Speaking Engagements & Events 2024

Please find below individual major speaking engagements for this year. Links to each of these can be found by clicking on the images.

VIRTUAL - March 24th, 2024
Click picture above for more information and to register.

Salem Witch Fest: Medieval Monsters

The European Medieval world was populated with all manner of strange and fascinating creatures.  from the wild men of the woods, to the cyclopses of deserted islands, to the Dogheads who lived just over the horizon, the medieval world was filled with wonders.  But what were these creatures?  What role did they play in Medieval European culture?  And how do they still show up in our imaginations today?  In this lecture we will invite these beings from the margins of illuminated manuscripts and  explore their important role in folklore and legend.

Past Speaking Events

Pleased to be part of the two day Queering Mental Health online conference.

I will be presenting “Inner Journey: The Potential of Spirituality and Psychotherapy”

April 21st - 22nd, 2023
Click link above for more information.

VIRTUAL - August 4th - August 5th, 2023
Click picture above for more information and to register.

Embedded in the Land: A Theoretical Approach to Relationship with Folklore & Magic

Folklore often encompasses rich bodies of knowledge and wisdom handed down within communities.  Yet, it is all too easy to relate to folk tradition through the lenses of our modern society as being mere stories, practices divorced from their originating landscapes, or as  mere regional manifestations of universal archetypes.

In this  presentation, we will explore folklore theory deeper and expand on understanding on it's mechanics, the importance of regional differences,  and it's function.  We will explore, with case examples, of how a  magical practitioner might relate to their own landscape and the various  denizens existing there.

Inner Journey: The Potential of Spirituality in Psychotherapy

Often the queer experience of religion and spirituality is religious trauma and ostracization, and this has frequently translated into a narrative in the helping professions that this is the only experience queer people could possibly have.  In this workshop, we will challenge the view that spirituality must be an uncomfortable subject for the queer experience and explore how it can be utilized by helping professionals working with queer clients.  We will challenge biases and myths about queer people and spirituality; explore various ways queer people have reclaimed religion and spiritual expression; and, how helping professionals can incorporate spirituality into their work with clients.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding the various roles spirituality can play in the queer identity and experience

  • Understanding how to incporate spirituality into mental health services with 2SLGBTQIA+ clients

  • Challenge myths about queer people and spirituality